OK. I know what you are all thinking: "What the heck is Mick talking about? Could it be ..."
Nope. The XXX rating I mention above refers to my SHIRT size. I have been promoted or demoted, depending on your perspective, to a XX, which I must admit is also a little big right now. I anticipate ending up in merely an extra-large which is one of the "regular" sizes. (Thank you, Linda S for making that distinction sound so delightfully normal)
I face the pleasant conundrum of either continuing to "swim" in the XXX shirts or add to the temporary wardrobe I am accumulating. In the old days, when I was the human yo-yo, I used to keep all of my clothes at every weight, knowing that at one time or another in the near future they would fit again. But now that I am on a permanent elevator down, that idea sounds more pessimistic than I feel.
EB and I took the kids and grand-kids to Woodloch Pines resort last week. http://woodloch.com/home/
Look here to see what the layout of the place is: http://woodloch.com/uploads/File/0109WP8%205xBIgMAP4C08.pdf
It is like camp for everyone with activities starting at 9:00 am and running through an evening show. One itsy, bitty little problem is that the food is served Catskill-resort style, ie. order everything and anything you want from the extensive menu. In the past, I was like a food Terminator, wolfing down appetizers of shrimp cocktails, mozzarella sticks, Caesar's salad, nacho dip, salsa, chips. Then came the main course of filet mignon, lobster tail, cavatelli, roast chicken, potatoes, and (ugh) veggies. Save room for dessert though because you need to eat the mudpie with cookies and cream ice cream on the side. You get the picture. I must admit that last week I was good, and Eileen is sitting next to me, nodding vigorously, that I was really, really good. I had 4 oz of shrimp, a small salad and then 6 oz of filet with 3 oz of baked potato. No dessert.
HOWEVER, it was hard to watch everyone else pig out and not be able to join them. This was my first genuine moment of weakness, but I didn't succumb. I know that I will have to be strong many times in the future, LapBand or not, so I feel satisfied with having passed this difficult test. Jake and ZZ were very good in keeping me resolute, reminding me when I need it the most how good I look and to keep it going.
(I must admit that I really do have occasional self-doubts that I can maintain this level of resoluteness forever. What helps me through those periods is remembering that with the LapBand I essentially walk away from every meal satisfied and full. The key to my journey is not being hungry as I diet, so as long as I can maintain that satiety then I will be okay. BUT ... looking at that mudpie .....)
The exercise report: I haven't decided whether or not to be honest about it, so I will defer that update until the next blog.
C u at 75 pounds lost...right after Labor Day I hope
Come back and hear about the steak dinner I win at that level! (Talk about dumb bets on my part)
you are amazing mick keeping to this regimen.imagine being able to watch others enjoy dessert and you could just pass on it. wonderful. i am so proud of you and the way that you look already. i bet your doctor will agree with how well you are doing too. stay positive dear son. love, ma